Wednesday, May 18, 2011

For my friend whoever and wherever you are :)

I’m glad to know you and be your friend.
I don’t care what everybody else say about you, I accept you for who you are.
Although you are nice or bad person, it’s my decision to be your friend.
So, I take the responsibility if something happen to me. 
People may think that I’m so naive, but that’s me. 
Not because I want to be very nice person so that people adore me,
but I feel comfortable with it.
Just the way you are…
Yes, please be just the way you are
That’s what makes you so unique 
I can’t and don’t want to change you
So, if you wanna change, 
you must ask yourself 
It’s your choice and just you who can change you.
But of course  you can ask me for suggestion.
Maybe sometime I’m feel so bad and say something bad about you
But please don’t mind it, it’s just temporary.
Just remind me if that’s happen.
Let’s be friend forever :)
sorry for this silly and naive message guyzz hahaha XD
I like you just the way you are!!  

NB: I don't mind if someone want to copy my silly and naive notes. But please add the credit. Thx :D

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